The project goes beyond the specifications laid down by the Lyon Confluence local public corporation, aiming to deliver massive improvements in environmental and energy performance. Its six energy- and resource-efficient buildings have Level 2 Bio-sourced certification and Level E3 BEPOS Effinergie certification.
One of the project’s guiding themes has been to put the right material in the right place, using bio-sourced and local materials as well as reusing existing materials. For example, the Pavillon combines natural stone from Villebois, oak from the forests of Burgundy, conifer from the Beaujolais region and concrete made with aggregates from gravel pits in the Saône and Rhône regions.
The project also prioritises building health and indoor air quality: 93% of its homes are dual aspect (offering two different views), promoting both natural ventilation in the summer and natural light. At the heart of each residential cluster, a garden for residents and a courtyard planted with trees enhance environmental quality. Planted with hardy local species and around sixty trees, mostly on open ground, these practical spaces and gathering places also function as cooling islands, carbon sinks and havens for biodiversity.
“productive” roofs: solar panels, gardens, biodiversity havens and living spaces
A pioneering offering in France, Esssentiel is an ultra-efficient low-carbon building dedicated to the comfort, well-being and health of its occupants, guaranteeing a temperature of between 22°C and 26°C without the use of heating, mechanical ventilation or air conditioning.
The Essentiel building symbolises Nexity’s radical aim of delivering ever more sustainable buildings by reducing energy consumption and using bio-sourced materials. By using this model for a residential building for the first time in France, we’re responding to a key challenge: the need to provide affordable low-carbon homes.